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Children in Indoor Playground

The learning and fun

Starting the Out of School Club 

If you require your child to attend the Out of School Club you will need to obtain an enrolment form from Sunflowers reception. We offer before, and after school club and holiday club.

You can also download our enrolment form from here:


Once these forms are complete and a place is confirmed for your child at the Out of School club there is a £20.00 non-refundable enrolment fee that will need to be paid before your child attends their first session.


The Out of School Club opens at 7.30am. Your child will be taken by a member of staff in time for their class start time.

After school your child will need to go straight to the school hall where they will be met by a member of staff and taken the nursery setting.


The afternoon Out of School Club runs from 3.15pm until 6pm with a 3.15pm-4.30pm session available upon request.



It is advised that your child does not bring any personal belongings from home other than their school bag etc. as personal belongings may get lost or miss placed during the Out of School Club hours.


Out of School Club fees are revised annually in accordance with staffing and annual increases. Full payment is payable by the 14th of each month via childcare vouchers or electronic payments. If you require any information regarding child care vouchers, please ask a member of the office staff for further details.

Payment of fees secures your child’s place at the Out of School Club regardless of holidays, illness or absences. Extra sessions can be arranged for your child by ringing the setting on 01270 623 333. St Anne’s School can’t arrange any extra sessions for your child at Out of School Club, these can only be booked via the nursery setting. If payment of fees is late then your child may be refused entry to the Out of School Club until fees are paid in full.

Kid Painting
Holding Thermometer


If your child is unwell or not attending the Out of School Club for any reason it is essential that you inform the Out of School Club as soon as possible.

If your child is sent home from school or there are any changes in collection of your child, please could you let us know as soon as possible (it is not the school’s job to inform us of these changes). If someone other than the people authorised to collect your child turns up to collect your child without prior warning your child will not be sent to the nominated person until the Out of School Club has checked that the child’s parents have authorised this collection.

If your child requires medication during the Out of School Club hours please inform a member of the Out of School Club, so that we can follow the correct procedures.


On arrival to the Out of School Club please inform a member of staff if your child has had an accident at home, as it is required to be recorded in our incident book. If any accident occurs during their time at the Out of School Club, the parents will be asked to sign an accident form to confirm that they are fully aware of the occurrence.

Child Physiotherapy
Cute Girl Eating Apple


Your child will be provided with a healthy breakfast when attending the breakfast club and a light snack during the afternoon session, which is freshly prepared on the premises. A copy of the menus is displayed within the room. During a holiday club session your child will be provided with breakfast, lunch and a light tea.


If your contact details change for any reason please notify Sunflowers at St Anne’s in writing. Sunflowers at St Anne’s reserves the right to change the above terms as when deemed necessary.

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